Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Tips to keep your Visitors coming back to Your Blog/Website

1)         Coach them on how to do something
2)         Tell them why and how something applies to me.
3)         Showcase something you’ve or someone else has done.
4)         Make them feel that you treat each visitor the same
5)         Forecast what will happen next
6)         Bring together what other people have talked about
7)         Motivate them
8)         Offer them a project to go away and do
9)         Give them the tricks behind blogging/website
10)      Explain what something means.
11)      Show a summary of a topic
12)      Intriguing is part of the game
13)      Entertain your visitors
14)      Review a product or service to help them me make a choice
15)      Persuade them
16)      Tell them a fairy tale
17)      Present them with some interesting research results.
18)      Given a funny story
19)      Commence to them a special someone
20)      Give your own opinion
21)      Give a point of view that is different from the rest
22)      Encourage them not to give up if there going a through a tough time
23)      Keep the up to date with the latest news
24)      Give a guide through a process
25)      Solve a problem if they have one
26)      Make a link to something of interest or to study
27)      Share something they can relate to
28)      Give a list of resources
29)      Give debate or swift-take
30)      Show new developments in a field of interest.

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