Sunday, March 6, 2011
6 Ways to make money with Clickbank everyday by day
1) Register with
2) Register with
3) Do A Keyword research
4) Pick a product from Clickbank
5) Create a Blog/Site
6) Write an article about the product and submit to
1) Register with Clickbank:- If you don’t know what Clickbank is all about, let me give you a vital definition how Clickbank works and why, is the best affiliate marketing network so far.
Clickbank is number one but not the first Affiliate marketing network, is the easiest and fastest way to make money on the Internet as an affiliate.
Clickbank is a well known affiliate marketing network with thousands of digital information products that can be downloaded instantly by the buyer after his purchase. A Clickbank product can be an e-book or software. You can earn commissions up to $50 on a single product you sell. It's easy to register as an affiliate with Clickbank, and it takes less than 6 minutes to do that. Go to and register now. If you are not in US and you are finding it difficult to register because not all countries are accepted by Clickbank “Terms and Condition”, don’t too worry just Contact Me I will tell you what to do.
2) Register with EzineArticles is website where you can submit your Articles and you can as well find articles that are related to your niche and edit it to your own taste. EzineArticles is number one article directory. So don’t waste time, go to and register now.
3) Keyword research- keyword research is very effective and important, for every person that is serious to make money online, for example if you want to promote "how to get auto loans" ebook, and your Blog title should be "how to get auto loans", so that if people are searching the web on how to get auto loans, your Blog will be listed. To do a keywords research go to or, what you just need to do is this, type in the relevant keyword in quote e.g. “Auto Loans”, pick any word that you feel like is the best keyword and use it to create your own Blog.
4) Pick a product from Clickbank- After you have register with Clickbank and get approved, I congratulate you, now how to pick a product to sell, simply Login to Clickbank account at the top of the Page click on “Marketplace”, you can search for any product you want to promote and sort by “Gravity”, and there prices should range from $20+ and minimum of 30% commission. If you have signup with, you can start promoting the product there.
Terms use in Clickbank that you may come across with, but don’t find it confuse they are explained blow:
Gravity reveals how popular the seller is with Clickbank’s publishers.
$/Sale is the average amount you can expect to earn from each sale, taking into account refunds and chargebacks etc.
Future $ only refers to subscription-based products and tells you how much you can expect to continue earning after your first sale.
Total $ also only refers to subscription-based products and tells you how much you can expect to make overall.
%Earned/Sale is the size of the commission.
%Referred tells you how reliant the seller is on affiliates.
5) Create a Blog/Site:- Blog is free, go to or write a review about the product you are promoting. Then add your affiliate link at the end of the review e.g. "click here to buy now". Make sure your Blog URL is the same as the product you are promoting e.g or closely to what you are promoting
6) Write an article about the product and submit to Your goal will be to submit at least one article per week to the more you submit, the more money you will make. Make sure your article is spelled correctly and must also use correct grammar in order for your articles to be approved. Your articles should not be more than 250 words or less 250 words. Remember to write article according what you are promoting and submit to your niche category. For instance, if you are in the Auto Loans niche then writes an article title "6 ways on how to get auto loans" and give 6 tips on how to get the loan.
Now, put your Blog URL link at the "Resource box"
You resource box could like this below:
"How to get auto loans"
I wish you best of Luck
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Posted by orbitwebs at 5:24 PM

Affiliate Marketing Strategies
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